24 research outputs found

    Implementasi Kebijakan Green Growth Korea Selatan

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    This research describes the implementation of green growth policy of South Korea. Concept of green growth is a new paradigm in economic development that discussed in international organizations such as UNEP (United Nation Environment Program) and OECD (Organization Economy Cooperation Development). South Korea is a country with high consumption in energy and one of the most highest GHG emissions country. The green growth policy of South Korea is a way to improves independence energy and mitigating climate change.This research is using descriptive and library research methods. The data and information obtained from books, journals, and websites. This research uses neo-realism and security non traditional theory to explain why South Korea uses green growth as its national policy.The result of this research shows that South Korea starts to develop clean energy and uses green technology in efficiency energy consumption and reduce its GHG emissions. By using the five-year plan in green growth policy, the government invests about 2 percent of its GDP in Research and Development (R & D) of clean energy and green technology.government and private sectors starts to expand its industries in green technology and uses clean energy.Keyword :South Korea, green growth, independence energy, mitigating climate chang

    Pengaruh Kompensasi, Motivasi dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Telkom Corporate University PT Telkom Indonesia

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    Every company needs the resources that have important influence to achieve success. Success in achieving the organization's goals came from the behavior of its own employees therefore the employees that make up the structure of the organization and take advantage of technology. Performance of the employee is influenced by several factors such as compensation, motivation and Working discipline. Poor performance of the employee caused by low compensation, lack of motivation and a poor working discipline at Telkom Corporate University.This study aims to identify and explain the influence of compensation, motivation and Working discipline on the performance of the employee of Telkom Corporate University. This research uses explanatory type approach, against 69 respondents with sampling purposive technique. Data collection techniques in this study using the technique of collecting data through questionnaires and interviews. The analysis technique used is quantitative. Quantitative analysis using validity test, reliability test, cross tabulation, correlation coefficient, coefficient of determination, simple and multiple regression analysis, as well as the significance test (t test and F test) with the help of SPSS version 16.0 for Windows.The results of statistical analysis known partial influence between compensation on performance of the employee by 27.4%. Then motivation to performance of the employee by 17.8%. while for the working discipline on the performance of the employee by 35%. Simultaneous influence of the influence of compensation, motivation and Working discipline on the performance of the employee is 34.2%, while 65.8% are influenced by other factors.Recommendations for improving the performance of employees to the company to increase its attention to the work compensation, motivation and Working discipline which in turn will ultimately increase performance of the employee

    Identifikasi Parameter Signifikan dalam Penentuan Prioritas Penanganan Banjir Kota Pekanbaru

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    The effects of land conversion scheme from forest and agriculture areas to residential areas has significant result in reduction of water catchment areas, subsequently increasing the risk of floods. Therefore, it is necessary to identify significant parameters for flood mitigation. Flood mitigation parameters analyzed by using Decision Support System (DSS) is Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and based on four criterias: technical, economic, environmental, and social/cultural.Based on the AHP analysis with Expert Choice 2000 program resulting in the percentage of most influential parameter criterias in determining flood mitigation priority that are technical criteria 57,0%, environmental criteria 18,7%, economic criteria 16,8%, and social/cultural criteria 7,5%. The most influential sub criterias are drainage system, construction cost and sub DAS rehabilitation, effect of land conversion, and the behavior of littering. Meanwhile percentage for sub DAS Pekanbaru city which become flood mitigation priority are sub DAS Sail 31,7%, sub DAS Senapelan 29,6%, sub DAS Air Hitam 20,9%, sub DAS Sibam 9,8%, and sub DAS Tenayan 8,0%

    Analisis Tingkat Kepuasan Tamu Yang Menginap Atas Kualitas Pelayanan “Pati Hotel” Di Kota Pati

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    Hotel is a service company that is known to the services offered. No matter how good the physical condition of a building that hotel if it is not supported by the maximum service to customers who have stayed, consumers still are not satisfied. Based on this formulation of the problem in the study was a decrease in the number of guests staying in Pati Hotel from 2009 s / d 2012. This study aims to determine the level of compatibility between the expectations of guests who stay and the performance of services provided and to determine the level of guest satisfaction Pati Hotel on the quality of services provided by Pati Hotel. This type of research is descriptive by using primary data. The data was collected by guiding question for obtaining data from the company, while to obtain data from 100 respondents using a questionnaire. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling and accidental sampling. Furthermore, the data obtained in the field is processed in the form of tabulations that are then analyzed. Data analysis method used is descriptive qualitative. The results of the calculation, the fit between expectations and performance are Pati Hotel overall implementation of 85.81% can be considered quite as expected guests. Although the dimensions of reliability as hotel employees provide friendly services to the guest judged not fit 83.74%, are easy to book a hotel room does not match rated 83.95% and ensuring security of guest luggage in the hotel room was incompatible assessed 81.95 %. The results of calculation of the level of satisfaction of hotel guests, the performance of Pati Hotel by 4.13% to 4.81% guest expectations. General conclusion, guests feel quite satisfied with the performance of services in Pati Hotel. Advice can be given in this study include the management Pati Hotel needs to create variation in service serves breakfast, need installation of WIFI networks in the area of Pati Hotel, attach rates existing facilities in Pati Hotel in locations easily seen by guests

    Analisi Peluang dan Tantangan Pelaksanaan Kewajiban Spin-Off Unit Usaha Syariah Menjadi Bank Umum Syariah

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    Berdasarkan UU No.21 tahun 2008, setiap Unit Usaha Syariah wajib spin-off menjadi Bank Umum Syariah jika telah memenuhi persyaratan tertentu, ketentuan wajib spin-off tersebut bertujuan untuk meningkatkan market share perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Dengan adanya undang-undang tersebut maka kedepanya BUS merupakan satu-satunya modus operasional perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Tentunya dalam prosesnya terdapat peluang dan tantangan yang harus dihadapi oleh setiap UUS yang melaukan spin-off menjadi BUS. Penelitian in bertujuan untuk mengetahui peluang dan tantangan yang dihadapi BNI Syariah ketika spin-off menjadi BUS. Penelitian ini bersifat deskripstif dengan pendekatan kualitatif proses pengumpulan data yang dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan kajian pustaka. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa proses spin-off pada BNI Syariah didorong oleh pentingnya melakukan spin-off sebagai alternatif strategi menghadapi perkembangan bisnis yang semakin ketat. Adapun faktor-faktor yang mendukung proses terjadinya spin-off antara lain : 1) faktor eksternal berupa dukungan dari regulator dan pemerintah, pertumbuhan perbankan syariah yang semakin baik, dan tingkat kesadaran dan preferensi masyarakat terhadap bank syariah yang semakin tinggi. 2) faktor internal meliputi ketentuan corporate plan BNI Syariah yang sejak awal berdirinya merencanakan spin-off , tingginya perkembangan market share BNI Syariah, dan kesiapan serta kapasitas yang mencukupi karena berpengalaman selama 9 (sembilan) tahun mengelola UUS. Sedangkan tantangan yang dihadapi adalah; sosialisasi nasabah, pemisahan neraca laba rugi dan perpajakan, pemisahan IT dan membentuk culture bank bar

    Control Led Through Internet Based on Nodemcu with Blynk Application

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       Internet (interconnected-networking) is a series of computers that are connected globally in several circuits and use TCP / IP as packet exchange communication protocol. The internet as part of the technological development that is very rapidly developing in people\u27s lives today has been able to be used as a medium of communication and control of devices from a distance as long as they are still connected to each other. The internet is like virtual threads that connect with one another, forward data and convey data from one point to another. However, along with the development of increasingly advanced science and technology, the internet is no longer just to connect between humans but also to control between any object that can be connected. In this study there were 3 (three) problems and 3 (three) problem solving methods Electronic device control in the form of LED lights using an IoT platform that is open source. This study uses the NodeMCU module as a station, which will be controlled by the Blynk application with an internet connection. In this study using the NodeMCU module as a station, which will be controlled by the Blynk application by connecting to the internet